In the latest turn of events, Phil Spencer publicly criticizes Sony. He is of the opinion that Sony is attempting to strengthen its position in the console market by working to undermine Microsoft’s dominance in the industry. In an interview with the Second Request podcast, Phil Spencer said that Sony was the “one major opposer to the [Microsoft Activision] deal.” Spencer continued by saying he doesn’t understand why Sony is using Call of Duty as an example of why the merger shouldn’t go through. According to him, Microsoft has stated on multiple occasions that it will not remove Call of Duty from PlayStation in the event that its bid is successful. Spencer claimed that on the day Sony announced its intention to acquire Activision Blizzard, he and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella called Sony to assure them that Call of Duty would remain available for PlayStation if the acquisition was approved. If the Activision Blizzard deal goes through, Microsoft has a 10-year deal with Nintendo to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo consoles. As a result, it’s possible that Nintendo Switch will become the first console to host a Call of Duty game.  After the FTC filed a legal notice to try to block Microsoft’s plan to acquire Activision Blizzard, it is unclear whether Call of Duty will be available on Nintendo consoles or Xbox Game Pass in the near future. In the event if it is available as a cloud game, it won’t be much big of a deal dur to issues with this service in general, however, if Xbox tries to redevelop the game for Nintendo, well, that’s a completely different story then altogether.  Sony’s resistance to Microsoft is nothing new, but the company appears to have ulterior motives; only time will tell what they are. Share your thoughts on this matter below.