What is the benefit of setting a default account of your choice?

A default account means, that everything that you do on your browser, will be saved on your email account as a backup. So whenever, where ever you use your account, the settings will remain the same for whatever gadget you are using. Let me explain this by example. So as my accounts have been added on Gmail, this means, that everything that I used with Gmail, say, Youtube, for example, its history, and most searched videos, everything will be the same for me whether it is on my laptop, or on my phone. So much so, that if I am using Youtube on my laptop, and I paused a video in the middle of something and shut my laptop down. Later, when I switch on my laptop and open the same video whenever, it will start from the point where I paused it at. Same goes for my phone. If I open Youtube from my phone, and I open the same video, it will start from the point where I paused it on the laptop. Cool right? But, this is only possible if your Gmail is signed in while you use the browser. What does this mean? For instance, you share your laptop with a sibling, or even if you give your laptop for use to your friend, and they sign you out from your Gmail account, the default will change because someone else is logged in. This happened with me when I was using my sisters’ laptop, and every time I logged her out, everything and all the movies that I searched for would be on the top section of her Youtube. And if she had saved something important on Youtube like pausing a movie at a certain time so that she could watch it later thinking that her account is signed in and she can watch this later. But because my account was signed in when she paused the movie or used Youtube, and I signed it out after using the laptop. The video will not start from where she left it. Because that history is saved on my account. You can keep your work email, and your personal email accounts separate while keeping all your history for the browser saved on the account of your choice, that is, your default account. I would probably choose the personal account for a backup for everything that I do on the internet.

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