As per TechCrunch, Facebook’s spokesperson, Leonard Lam stated in an email, “the new feature aims to help people tailor their experience based on interests and relationships”. Currently, this feature is only available to a few select insiders and testers but as more and more issues and bugs are fixed, it won’t be long until this feature sees the light of day. In order to make sure no one takes unfair advantage of these new features, every profile created under each account will still remain subject to Facebook’s policies. In the same email Facebook also stated, “Anyone who uses Facebook must continue to follow our rules” making it clear that the same rules will be applied to all such sub-accounts. Additionally, Facebook strictly stated that any violation on such extra profiles will impact the account as whole. In case of multiple violations, Facebook may suspend not just the additional profile but the account as a whole. This is done to ensure that no one takes advantage of the system and that the guidelines are followed throughout. Users will be able to choose any name suitable for these additional accounts, provided that they fall under Facebook’s terms of service. So, as long as you’re not going against the rules, users can choose any name as per their liking and requirements. These profiles do come with a few limitations, however. Managing pages and using Facebook’s dating services will only be available to the main profiles rather than the additional ones. The daily or monthly user metrics will not see an impact as Facebook will only count main profiles instead of the user-created additional profiles. This new update shows that Facebook is trying harder to compete and achieve a bigger share in the social media market. With the introduction of additional profiles, users will easily be able to shift from one lifestyle to another. With the advent of TikTok, it has become more challenging for social media companies to attract attention, especially when new users are looking elsewhere for their choice of virtual social interaction. Therefore, giants like Facebook are having to step up their game, hoping to claw back in the industry with some new user-friendly features.